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  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • £19.99
32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats

32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
(Just Landed)

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  • We have exclusive rights to sell it
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As this item is currently exclusive to us, we can guarantee you will be paying the best price.
  • MEASUREMENTS - 600 x 600mm - Thickness: 9mm
  • SIDES - Each mat comes equipped with two side pieces for a rounded edge
  • MULTI-PURPOSE - Ideal for usage as exercise mats, yoga mats, garage mats and more
  • PACK OF 8 - 8 individual mats are included in this pack
  • PADDED FOAM - The mats are crafted from high quality, padded foam
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  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
  • 32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats
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32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats

32 SQ FT Interlocking EVA Soft Foam Exercise Floor Mats

The interlocking floor mats have an extremely wide range of uses, both professional and around the home. The mats are made from high quality padded foam making them perfect for use as exercise and yoga mats. Each mat includes two border strips to give your mat layout a nice neat edge and also protects the interlocking tabs from breaking. Each mat measures 600 x 600mm and is 9mm in thickness.

8 individual mats are supplied

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